Be Concerned About The World

Moreover as for me, God forbid that I should sin against the LORD in ceasing to pray for you…
(1 Samuel 12:23).

A true soul winner isn’t only concerned about the souls in his immediate locality, but also about the evangelization of the world. You must, with renewed vigour, become concerned about the salvation that Jesus Christ has brought to the whole world. No matter how concerned you are about your locality, you must at the same time think about the regions beyond. Jesus puts it clearly in Mark 16:15: “…Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.”
As we anticipate the Master’s soon return, you may never as one individual, be able to go into the entire world and preach to every soul on the face of the earth. However, there’re ways you can still be effective in global evangelism. One of such ways is through intercession; praying for the salvation of lost souls. Every Christian that’s truly been touched by the Holy Spirit burns with passion for intercession. Therefore, be diligent in praying for lost souls and other believers in different parts of the world who may be experiencing challenges and difficulties.
The Bible tells us to pray for those who are in trouble. Many Christians around the world are being
persecuted for their faith. Some are being martyred for believing in Jesus Christ. Some are suffering terribly in hospitals, writhing in severe pains, due to sickness and disease. They may not even have enough faith to think about being healed, but your intercessory prayer can help them.

Some Christians are in prison for offenses they didn’t commit. Then you have the orphans, the poor,
and those who have been neglected by society. Don’t just wish that things will get better for them; rather, from time to time, intercede fervidly on their behalf! When you’re that concerned about those that are in need, God programmes your life for abundance, success and prosperity; He grants you increased grace to do more for others.


Dear Father, I thank you for
making the souls of men all
over the world beautiful to me.
I thank you for stirring in me the
spirit of intercession, and today,
I make power available for
salvation, healing, restoration and protection for my brothers and sisters in Christ, all over the world, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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